Back-to-school season is in full swing, and there's no better time to dive into one of the most exciting aspects of marketing: understanding and targeting different generations. For marketers, this time of year is a golden opportunity to connect with eager students and their families, making it a critical period for driving sales and engagement.

But here's the kicker: marketing to different generations — in this case, Gen Z students and Millennial parents — isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. Each generation comes with its own unique set of characteristics, preferences and behaviors.

In this article, we'll explore the key differences in marketing strategies for Gen Z and Millennials during the back-to-school season. Understanding these nuances will help you craft more targeted, impactful and effective campaigns. Ready to level up your back-to-school marketing? Let's get started!

The Generational Divide: Gen Z vs. Millennials

Let's start by defining our two key groups:

  • Gen Z — Born between 1997 and 2012, these digital natives are currently navigating their way through high school and college.
  • Millennials — Born between 1981 and 1996, this generation is balancing careers and, often, parenthood with school-aged children.

It would seem that the difference between generations is small, but if you look closely, there are many unique characteristics and generational preferences that play a key role in proper targeting. Let's take a look at them.


Gen Z craves authenticity and instant communication. They're masters of social media, with a particular affinity for platforms like TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat. They prefer quick, real-time interactions and are comfortable with informal, abbreviated language, often using emojis, GIFs and memes to convey their messages.

Millennials value meaningful, in-depth communication. They grew up with the rise of the internet and appreciate both digital and face-to-face interactions. Facebook and Instagram are their go-to social media platforms, and they respond well to detailed, informative content that adds value to their lives. Email and text messaging remain their preferred methods for both personal and professional interactions.

Shopping Preferences

Online shopping is second nature to Gen Z. They're heavily influenced by social media trends and recommendations from influencers. They favor tech gadgets, trendy fashion and sustainable products, often making impulsive purchases based on what’s trending. Social shopping through platforms like Instagram and TikTok is particularly popular.

While they also enjoy online shopping, Millennials appreciate a good mix of in-store experiences too. They value convenience and practicality, often seeking out quality and durability in their purchases. As parents, they frequently shop for their children, focusing on educational products and essentials. This generation often relies on online reviews and extensive research before making a purchase.

Technological Awareness

Millennials witnessed the rise of the internet, social media and smartphones. They are often referred to as “digital pioneers” because they were the first generation to grow up with digital technology integrated into their lives. This exposure has made them highly adaptable to new technologies but also more cautious and reflective about their online presence. Millennials value authenticity and tend to use social media for networking and professional purposes.

In contrast, Gen Z has never known a world without the internet. They are “digital natives,” seamlessly integrating tech into every aspect of their lives. Gen Z is more comfortable with rapid technological changes and prefers visual communication through TikTok and Instagram. They are also more likely to use technology for entertainment and self-expression, often blurring the lines between their online and offline identities.

Attitudes Toward Work and Career

Millennials seek purpose and meaning in their careers. They value work-life balance and are drawn to companies with strong ethical standards and a commitment to social responsibility. Millennials are also known for their loyalty: once they find a workplace that aligns with their values, they are more likely to stay for the long term.

Gen Z, on the other hand, prioritizes flexibility and entrepreneurial opportunities. They are less likely to commit to a single employer and more inclined to seek gig economy jobs, freelance work and entrepreneurial ventures. This generation values work that allows for personal growth and flexibility, often preferring remote work options and non-traditional career paths.

Social and Political Views

Millennials are known for their progressive social and political views. They grew up during significant societal shifts, such as the legalization of same-sex marriage and the rise of social justice movements. As a result, they tend to be more activist-minded and supportive of policies that promote equality and sustainability.

Gen Z is even more inclusive and pragmatic in their social and political outlook. They have grown up in a more diverse and globally connected world, leading them to value inclusivity and intersectionality. Gen Z is more likely to support pragmatic solutions to social issues and prioritize climate change and mental health awareness as critical concerns.

Consumer Behavior

Millennials are known for their brand loyalty and reliance on online reviews. They are willing to pay more for products and services that reflect their values, such as sustainability and ethical production. This generation often researches extensively before making a purchase, valuing quality and authenticity.

Gen Z, however, is more value-driven and influenced by social media trends. They prefer brands that offer good value for their money and are highly swayed by peer recommendations and influencer endorsements. This generation is also more likely to engage in social shopping, using Instagram and TikTok to discover and purchase products.

Category Gen Z Millennials
Communication Craves authenticity, employs informal communication such as emojis/memes, prefers TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat Values in-depth communication, uses Facebook, Instagram, email and text
Shopping preferences Prefers online shopping, influenced by social media trends and influencers, enjoys impulse buys Favors a mix of online and in-store shopping, values quality and practicality, relies on reviews and research
Technological awareness Digital natives, seamless tech integration, prefers visual communication (TikTok, Instagram) Digital pioneers, adaptable but cautious, uses tech for networking and professional purposes
Attitudes toward work and career Values flexibility and entrepreneurial opportunities, prefers gig economy and remote work Seeks purpose and work-life balance, loyal to ethical companies, values long-term employment
Social and political views Inclusive and pragmatic, prioritizes climate change and mental health awareness Progressive and activist-minded, supports equality and sustainability
Consumer behavior Value-driven, influenced by social media trends and peer recommendations, enjoys social shopping Brand loyal, values online reviews, willing to pay more for sustainable and ethical products

Capturing Gen Z’s Attention: Winning Strategies

Want to know the secret to grabbing Gen Z's attention in a world overflowing with content? It’s all about meeting them where they are and speaking their language. This generation is tech-savvy, value-driven and always on the hunt for the next big trend. To connect with them, your approach needs to be fresh, engaging and authentic. So let’s break it down and discover how to make a lasting impact with this dynamic cohort as they prepare for the new school year.

Understanding Gen Z's Shopping Behavior

First, let's briefly recap the key Gen Z consumer traits we discussed above.

Independence and Technological Savvy

Born into a world of digital commerce, Gen Z is conditioned to browse, compare and price goods on their own. This independence, combined with technological influence, shapes their shopping behavior. They are resourceful, self-sufficient and price-conscious, with 60% of them picking brands based on price.

Impulse Buying Tendencies

Despite their affinity for browsing, Gen Z consumers are less likely to plan their purchases in advance. This makes them more receptive to impulse buying. For instance, 28% of Gen Z shoppers spontaneously buy what they need in whichever store they happen to be in. Retailers should be prepared with pop-up promotions and real-time offers to capture these spur-of-the-moment decisions.

Limited Interest in Long-Term Rewards

Gen Z is less motivated by long-term reward programs compared to previous generations. Fewer than half are likely to make purchase decisions based on reward programs, preferring immediate gratification over long-term benefits. Brands should consider offering low-threshold, easy-to-redeem rewards that provide instant value.

Now let's move on to some strategies and recommendations.

Social Media Focus

Gen Z spends a significant amount of time on social media, making it a prime channel for engagement. Here’s how to optimize your social media strategy for back-to-school campaigns.

1. Platforms: TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat

  • TikTok: This platform's short-form video content aligns perfectly with Gen Z's love for quick, entertaining media. Join in on TikTok’s trending challenges, hashtags and popular music to create relatable and viral content focused on back-to-school themes.
  • Instagram: Visual storytelling with photos, stories and reels makes Instagram a hit with Gen Z. Focus on high-quality visuals, behind-the-scenes content and interactive features like polls and Q&A sessions that highlight back-to-school preparations.
  • Snapchat: Known for its fleeting content, Snapchat is great for time-sensitive promotions, exclusive behind-the-scenes looks and interactive content with lenses and filters tailored to the back-to-school season.

2. Content Style: Short Videos, User-Generated Content, Memes

  • Short videos: Keep your videos short and sweet. Quick, impactful videos are more likely to be shared and remembered amongst Gen Z. Use TikTok and Instagram Reels to create brief but captivating content that highlights your brand’s personality.
  • User-generated content (UGC): Encourage your audience to create and share content featuring your brand. UGC builds community and acts as authentic endorsements. Run campaigns that invite users to show how they use your product or service for their back-to-school needs.
  • Memes: Memes hit the sweet spot with Gen Z due to their humor and relatability. Use trending memes to connect with your audience, but make sure they align with your brand’s voice to avoid seeming out of touch.

3. Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with Micro-Influencers and YouTube Personalities

  • Micro-influencers: These influencers may have smaller followings, but their followers are highly engaged. Micro-influencers have a closer connection with their audience, which leads to higher trust and authenticity. Partnering with micro-influencers can result in genuine and impactful endorsements.
  • YouTube personalities: Collaborate with YouTube creators who align with your brand values and target audience. These partnerships can include product reviews, unboxings, tutorials and vlogs that seamlessly integrate your product into the influencer’s content, highlighting its relevance for the new school year.

4. Interactive and Engaging Content: Use Polls, Quizzes and Interactive Ads

  • Polls and quizzes: Interactive content like polls and quizzes can significantly boost engagement. Use Instagram Stories or Twitter polls to ask questions, gather opinions and create fun, interactive experiences. This not only engages your audience but also provides valuable insights into their preferences.
  • Interactive ads: Implement interactive ads that encourage participation. For example, use playable ads on gaming platforms or shoppable posts on Instagram. These ads not only capture attention but also drive direct actions such as visits to your website or product purchases, perfect for back-to-school shopping.

To sum it all up, here are our key tips for advertising to Gen Z this back-to-school season and beyond.

  • Focus on authenticity: Gen Z values authenticity and transparency. Be genuine in your messaging and avoid overly polished or corporate-sounding content. Reveal your brand’s humanity through behind-the-scenes footage and real-life stories.
  • Embrace inclusivity: Ensure your content is diverse and inclusive. Gen Z is the most diverse generation yet, and they appreciate brands that represent different backgrounds, cultures and perspectives.
  • Go mobile: Gen Z primarily accesses the internet via mobile devices. Ensure your website, content and ads are optimized for mobile viewing to provide a seamless experience.
  • Stay trendy: Gen Z’s interests and trends evolve rapidly. Stay agile and ready to jump on emerging trends. Use social listening tools to monitor trending topics and hashtags to keep your content relevant and timely.
  • Offer real value: Focus on creating content that provides value, whether it’s educational, entertaining or inspirational. This helps build a deeper connection with your audience and positions your brand as a valuable resource.

Engaging Millennials: Tactics That Work

How to grab the attention of Millennials? It’s not just about being digitally savvy; it's about tapping into a generation that values authenticity, experience and social impact. These trailblazers have been shaped by the rise of social media, the gig economy and a shifting cultural landscape. If you want to engage this influential group, you’ll need more than just flashy ads. Here’s a deep dive into the strategies, tips and recommendations that will help you connect with Millennials on a meaningful level. Ready to make a real impact? Let’s get started!

Understanding Millennials' Shopping Behavior

As with Gen Z, we’ll highlight some important aspects of Millennial purchasing behavior.

Brand Loyalty and Value Sensitivity

Millennials are known for their brand loyalty, but they are also price-conscious. They seek brands that offer both value and quality. This loyalty is built through positive experiences, transparent practices and alignment with personal values. Millennials often research products and compare prices before making a purchase, so offering consistent value is key, especially for back-to-school items where they seek both quality and affordability.

Planned Purchases and Impulse Buying

While Millennials tend to plan their purchases, they still have room for spontaneous buys, especially when presented with attractive offers. They appreciate deals and promotions that fit their interests and values. Crafting campaigns that combine thoughtful offers with strategic timing can effectively capture their attention, particularly with back-to-school sales and limited-time offers.

Online and In-Store Shopping Preferences

Millennials seamlessly navigate between online and in-store shopping. They value a smooth omnichannel experience, where online research complements in-store visits. Ensuring that your online and physical stores provide consistent, detailed information and a cohesive shopping experience can enhance their engagement during the back-to-school rush.

Social Media Focus

Millennials grew up alongside the evolution of social media, making these platforms an essential part of their daily lives. To make a splash with them, you’ve got to understand where they hang out and how they like to engage.

1. Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn

  • Facebook: Still a go-to for many Millennials, Facebook is great for everything from community groups to event promotions. Use it to share interesting updates, run targeted ads and dive into discussions that matter to them. Highlight back-to-school events, promotions and educational content to keep them engaged.
  • Instagram: This is where visuals reign supreme. Millennials love high-quality images and engaging Stories. Think behind-the-scenes peeks, interactive polls and authentic content that shows off your brand’s personality. Share visually appealing back-to-school tips, product showcases and student life hacks to resonate with them.
  • LinkedIn: For career-minded Millennials, LinkedIn is key. Share insightful articles, professional tips and industry news to connect with them on a more serious level. It’s all about adding value to their professional lives, like advice on balancing work and continuing education or career advancement opportunities tied to back-to-school periods.

2. Content Style: Value, Authenticity, Personal Touch

  • Value-driven content: Give them something they can use. Whether it’s helpful tips, useful guides or inspiring stories, make sure your content is worth Millennials’ time. They appreciate brands that offer real value and practical advice.
  • Authenticity: Be real with them. Millennials can spot a fake from a mile away, so keep it genuine. Share honest stories about real student experiences and back-to-school preparations, show off your brand’s true colors and don’t be afraid to be a bit quirky.
  • Personalization: Tailor your content to their diverse tastes. Use what you know about your audience to create messages and offers that feel like they’re made just for them. The more personal, the better.

Community Building: Foster a Sense of Belonging

  • Engage in conversations: Millennials appreciate brands that engage with them directly. Respond to comments, join discussions and be present in their social media spaces. Building a community around your brand can foster loyalty and deeper connections, particularly around shared back-to-school experiences and challenges.
  • Support causes: Align with causes that matter to Millennials. Whether it’s sustainability, social justice or community support, show that your brand stands for more than just profits. This generation values purpose and wants to support brands that make a positive impact. Highlight your brand’s back-to-school initiatives and contributions to education and community programs.

Customer Experience: Exceptional Service and Engagement

  • Exceptional customer service: Millennials expect quick, efficient and helpful customer service. Make sure your brand is responsive and available across multiple channels, from social media to live chat on your website.
  • Loyalty programs: Offer loyalty programs that provide real value. Millennials are more likely to stick with brands that reward them for their loyalty with discounts, exclusive offers and personalized perks.

To sum it all up, here are the key tips for capturing the Millennial market.

  • Show you care: Millennials love brands that make a difference. Highlight your efforts in sustainability, ethical sourcing and social responsibility. Be honest about your practices and share your journey towards making the world a better place.
  • Build a community: Create a sense of community around your brand. Connect with your audience on social media, start loyalty programs and host events (both online and offline). Make them feel like they're part of something bigger and that their voice matters.
  • Leverage social proof: Millennials trust reviews, testimonials and recommendations from peers. Show off positive customer reviews, feature user-generated content and work with trusted voices in your industry to build credibility and trust.
  • Offer excellent customer service: Excellent customer service is a must. Be available on multiple channels like social media, email and live chat. Quick and helpful responses can make a huge difference and foster loyalty.
  • Dive into deep content: Unlike Gen Z, Millennials enjoy long-form content. Invest in blogs, podcasts and webinars that explore topics in depth. This not only makes your brand look like an expert but also provides them with valuable insights and knowledge.

Creative Differences: Ad Examples for Both Generations

And now, let’s dive into the exciting world of advertising! Ready to see what kind of ads captivate Gen Z and Millennials? Let's break it down with some dynamic visuals and spot-on CTAs that really grab their attention.

Gen Z Ad Preferences

Gen Z prefers concise, visually appealing and humorous content. They respond to memes, challenges and interactive campaigns that allow them to participate and share their own content.

Visuals Tone Call-to-action
Go for bold colors and dynamic motion. Use vibrant hues and lively animations to catch their eye. For example, consider a fast-paced TikTok ad with neon-colored school supplies flying off the shelves. Humor is key! Use memes and playful language to keep them entertained. Think of a funny Instagram Reel about “surviving the first day of school” with your brand’s product playing a starring role. Use direct and punchy CTAs to spur action. Phrases like “Swipe up to get the coolest gear” or “Tap now to ace your back-to-school look” work well. Keep it quick and compelling!

Here are a couple of ad examples that hit the mark for Gen Z.

  • Dynamic visuals with bold colors: Imagine a vibrant, fast-paced TikTok video that shows a group of students getting ready for school. They’re using your stylish new backpacks and cool stationery in a lively montage of colors and quick cuts. The video wraps up with a fun pop-up that says, “Gear up for school! Swipe up to shop the look!”
  • Relatable scenarios with humor: This can be an Instagram Reel that humorously depicts a student's epic struggle to find their missing school supplies. The video could show funny, exaggerated moments of chaos and end with the student discovering your brand’s ultra-organized backpack. The CTA could be something like, “Don’t lose it all — tap to shop our must-have school gear!”

Now we’ll include some creative ideas from the MGID team for your back-to-school campaign.

To capture Gen Z's attention, we incorporated the iconic sad hamster meme into our creative. This meme, a staple of contemporary internet culture, quickly grabs their attention and piques their curiosity about the ad.

For this campaign, we featured a well-known youth influencer who resonates with Gen Z. Since this generation places significant trust in their favorite idols, they’re more likely to notice and engage with sales and recommendations endorsed by them.

Millennials Ad Preferences

Millennials respond well to informative and nostalgic messaging that taps into their desire for quality and reliability. They appreciate humor and storytelling that resonates with their life experiences.

Visuals Tone Call-to-action
Opt for high-quality, lifestyle-oriented images. Think of family moments or daily adventures. For example, a polished shot of a family packing up for school with your products. Be informative and trustworthy. Provide clear benefits and honest insights. Imagine a carousel ad on Instagram with each slide detailing how your product helps with preparing the family for the return to school. Use CTAs that provide value and context. Go beyond "Buy now" with phrases like "Find your perfect back-to-school essentials" or "Discover how our products can simplify your school year."

Here are a couple of ad examples that resonate with Millennials.

  • High-quality, lifestyle imagery: Imagine a well-crafted Facebook ad featuring a family shopping for back-to-school supplies. The visuals show a parent and child selecting from a range of stylish and practical school supplies. The ad copy could read, "Get ready for the school year with our top picks for stylish and practical supplies. Shop now and make back-to-school prep a breeze!"
  • Informative content with value: Make a detailed Instagram carousel post that showcases different back-to-school essentials, from tech gadgets to organizational tools. Each slide provides tips on how these items can make school life more organized. The final slide could have a CTA like, "Find the perfect back-to-school solutions for your family. Click to discover our top recommendations!"

Check out these ad creatives from the MGID team crafted to capture Millennial attention for your back-to-school campaign.

For Millennials, an effective ad should be visually clean and minimalistic, showcasing the product up close and clearly communicating its benefits. Our example hits the mark perfectly by embodying practicality, simplicity and clarity. This approach ensures the ad resonates well with Millennial preferences.

This ad emphasizes convenience by presenting all the school essentials in one spot, letting customers buy everything they need at once. This practical approach not only saves time but also provides excellent value. It resonates strongly with Millennials, who appreciate efficiency and simplicity in their shopping experience.

Final Bell: Wrapping Up

And there you have it! We've covered a lot of ground on how to capture the attention of both Gen Z and Millennials. It’s clear that understanding your target audience is key to crafting ads that truly resonate. Whether it’s the bold, meme-driven approach for Gen Z or the polished, value-driven style for Millennials, adapting your strategy is crucial for success.

If you’re ready to put these insights into action, MGID’s native advertising solutions are here to help you effectively reach both generations during the back-to-school season. Get started with MGID and make your campaigns stand out!