Whether assisting with the buying or selling of real estate, real estate advertising is crucial. However, because of how much competition there is for traditional print and digital promotional methods, you may find it increasingly difficult to get through to your target market. So, it’s time to take your real estate advertising strategy to the next level with native ads.

Native advertisements allow you to break away from traditional advertising by weaving ads into the content of a platform. Whether you’re an agent trying to make your mark in the industry or a veteran looking for new ways to dominate the market through real estate advertising, you’re in the right place. Keep reading to learn the value of native advertising and find out how you can use it in your own campaigns.

The Importance of Native Ads in Indian Real Estate Advertising

Native advertising, in general, has long been integral to various industries, including real estate. It deviates from the type of promotion that internet users are accustomed to, so the best advertising for real estate agents introduces native ads as an essential part of their strategy. Native ads go beyond the traditional sentiment that standing out is the only way to make a mark. Here’s why you should start to incorporate native ads into your advertising ideas for real estate:

  • They prevent viewers from seeing your content as a nuisance;
  • They don’t contribute to ad fatigue;
  • They promote organic engagement;
  • They are immune from banner blindness.

The decision to buy a house is motivated by both finances and emotions, so merely plastering a price tag on an ad will not cut it.

Current Trends in Indian Real Estate Advertising

India has a diverse market. Traditional media like TV, radio, and newspapers are pivotal to reaching those who use these channels to find property-related information. However, in recent years, there has been a boom in the relevance of digital marketing in real estate advertising. Companies use the digital landscape to show detailed property walkthroughs in social media stories and online videos. Meanwhile, blogs have been used to provide market trends and information to help investors. The best advertising for real estate agents can be a good mix of both. Although, depending on the market that you’re trying to attract, you’ll find yourself using one over the other. In terms of your digital strategy, native ads can help enhance the ROI of your campaign if done right.

Can Real Estate Agent Advertising Survive Without Native Ads?

Because of how diverse the Indian market is, it is still possible to get into the real estate industry without using native ads. But remember that there’s a difference between surviving and thriving. Real estate advertising methods can still attract potential buyers through traditional ads. However, these might not be enough if you want to create the best real estate advertising campaigns.

Without native ads, you’re missing out on the opportunity to reach an even wider audience. Since the initial reaction to overt ads is to ignore them, you may not be able to create a deeper connection through your promotions.

Why Choose Native Ads for Real Estate Advertising?

Before anything, let us clear up one thing: choosing native ads doesn’t mean foregoing other forms of promotion. Every type of ad has its place in real estate advertising. Unfortunately, a lot of agents aren’t allocating their budgets to include native ads. Remember, running campaigns is an investment, and it is in your best interest to diversify by including various platforms and ad types in your real estate advertising strategy. It essentially allows you to cover all your bases, ensuring that you can reach and make an impact on as much of your target market as possible.

What Are the Differences Between Native and Traditional Ads in Real Estate Advertising?

Since we made the argument on diversification, you’re probably wondering how different native and traditional ads really are when applied to real estate advertising. We’ve covered the highlights below.

  • Content integration: Native ads are all about getting noticed by blending in with the content the user is interested in. Meanwhile, traditional ads are the opposite.
  • Personalisation: Native ads in real estate advertising feel highly personalised because they’re related to what the user is browsing. The same is not guaranteed with traditional ads.
  • Supported ad formats: There are more supported ad formats with native ads than with traditional formats.

Benefits of Native Ads in Real Estate Advertising

As you can see from the differences above, a lot of value can be generated by using native ads. These ads not only seamlessly blend your real estate advertising with platform content but also offer amazing advantages in terms of engagement rates and cost-effectiveness. Their benefits in real estate advertising are proof that getting noticed isn’t always about standing out. Keep reading as we go deeper into the main benefits of native ads in the real estate industry.

They Have More Room for Creativity

If you’re looking for creative real estate advertising ideas for real estate brokers, native ads are your best bet. They allow you to explore novel promotional methods that may not be possible with traditional ad formats. For example, with real estate native advertising, you can create interactive maps that highlight new listings or make infographics that explain the nuances of the buying process. Thanks to the creative freedom you enjoy with native ads, you’ll be able to generate useful and relatable ads when setting up your real estate advertising strategy. Just imagine what unique and visually appealing ad content can do for you!

They Have Better Conversion Rates

Real estate advertising is never expected to convert a sale on the spot. With such large purchases, buyers will usually take their time to decide what’s most suited to their needs. However, with quality real estate advertising examples that use native ads, you may receive more inquiries. A Facebook and IHS study reveals that engagement rates are up to 63% higher with native ads. And even if the conversion down the funnel remains the same, it already follows that more leads will be generated. At this point, your real estate advertising strategy has already done its job. It’s now up to you to close the deal and get your commission!

They Are More Cost-Effective

Part of the reason that these ads are more cost-effective for real estate advertising is because of the higher conversion rates. However, that’s not the only reason you’ll save with native ads. In general, native ads also have a lower cost per click (CPC), which means you’re paying less for every real estate advertising lead you get. With native ads, you can use your resources efficiently, leaving more funds for other endeavours. You won’t need to spend as much money to yield the same numbers in your KPIs as you would with traditional ads.

What Types of Native Ads Are Suitable for Real Estate Advertising?

Practically, any type of ad can be considered native advertising because the requirement is only for it to blend seamlessly into its environment. As long as that’s achieved, it will be classified as a native ad. However, with real estate advertising, which options are the most suitable? This will always depend on what you want to promote. But if you’re out of ideas, take a look at the great real estate agent advertising examples we’ve got for you! In the next three subsections, we’ll discuss the best-fit native ad types for real estate, explain why we chose them and share a few examples.

In-Feed Ads

If you’ve ever paid for social media ads, you’ve probably done so for real estate advertising. In-feed ads are those that you find while you’re scrolling through a feed. Real estate advertising is a great fit here because the content you’re shown on social media sites is based on your activities. So, if you’re shown listings in Mumbai, chances are your feed already has non-sponsored real estate content. What kind of real estate advertising content should you display here? An inside perspective of the homes you’re selling can work great! Go for something eye-catching since that’s what’s expected on social media sites.

Promoted Listings

The most obvious real estate advertising strategy is to use promoted listings. But how can something so overt be considered a native ad? As they say in real estate, it’s all about location, location, location! Promoted listings are great fits for real estate websites like 99acres or Housing.com. The best part about using this for real estate advertising is that you’re already expected to provide complete details about the properties for sale. Doing this helps you put the advertised property at the top of the minds of potential buyers or renters. Let’s say that the residential property is in Andheri West. You can promote this when someone’s searching for Andheri West or nearby locations like Goregaon.

Branded Content

Real estate advertising doesn’t always have to be about houses. After all, real estate businesses work with both the supply and demand side of the transaction. So, to demonstrate your expertise in the field, why not go for sponsored content? This different take on real estate advertising allows you to build trust with your potential clients to show that you really know your stuff. For example, you can write about up-and-coming areas to invest in right now, or you can create a guide to the buying process. And since this is real estate advertising, you can explain how you’re doing it better than everyone else. The best thing about this is that the content can continue to provide value for a long time.

How to Implement Native Ads for Real Estate Advertising Success

In the previous section, we’ve given a few examples of the various types of native ads you can use. Now, what should yours look like? There are three main factors that you can control to help you make your real estate advertising campaign a success: audience, content and platform. That’s why, even while you’re still in the planning stage, you should have all these factors locked down. Are you ready to create a real estate advertising strategy that will actually generate business for yourself or your agency? Learn more about the three main ingredients to successful implementation below. By the end of the post, you should be able to create a great native ad campaign.

Understanding Your Audience

Whether we’re talking about real estate or another vertical, the most important part of advertising is understanding your audience. Here, you only need to answer one question: who is your target market? You define this with:

  • Demographics, like age, location, profession and income level;
  • Psychographics, like values, interests, lifestyle and buying motivation;
  • Geographic info, like physical and digital locations;
  • Needs and interests, like hobbies and preferences.

Using the information gathered, you can understand who your target market is and create real estate advertising that will resonate with them. The more that you know about the audience, the better!

Crafting Compelling Content

Creating captivating content allows you to stand out effortlessly without having to resort to intrusive advertising methods. So, how do you do this for real estate advertising?

  • Engage them through storytelling. This is important because it allows your audience to connect with you emotionally. And trust is important for such a large purchase!
  • Don’t estimate the value of clarity. Create a clear headline and call to action so users know what to do next. Do you want them to call or fill out an inquiry form? Then, that should be part of your real estate advertising content.
  • Test, test and test! The only way to know what is engaging for your audience is by testing. This helps reveal the most impactful ad.

Choosing the Right Platforms

Send your message where your target audience will see it! Here are the best platforms for real estate advertising in India.

  • Google Display Network: Google has a wide reach across millions of websites and properties. However, because there’s a high demand for all kinds of promotions here (including real estate advertising), it can be pricey.
  • Facebook and Instagram: These platforms allow you to laser target your market, allowing you to get better results from your campaign. However, since these platforms have a lot of visual content, it can be hard to make your real estate advertising stand out.
  • MGID: We pride ourselves on helping advertisers build their brand while still hitting KPIs. Let us create your campaign today!

Case Studies: MGID’s Success with Native Ads in Real Estate Advertising

We are proud of all the successes that we have helped our clients achieve. It is through the trust of quality clients and publishers that we’re able to continue our mission of creating a great advertising experience for both you and the ad viewer. This promise extends to real estate advertising clients, as well. Our team has helped brokerages and agencies within the real estate industry hit KPIs while also improving brand awareness. These amazing results have been made possible through native advertising.


From the outset, native advertising has been at the heart of MGID. That’s why, even in our beginnings as a startup, we strived to ensure a great ad experience for both the company and the target audience. For real estate advertising and all our clients, MGID continues to develop technologies that further pushed the effectiveness of our native advertisements. These include:

  • Programmatic advertising, which automates media buying;
  • AI-based matching technology, which matches ads with the most relevant content;
  • Proprietary fraud detection system, which ensures that at least 96% of all interactions with the ad are human.

Strategy and Implementation

Let’s take a look at how we helped two companies in the industry take their real estate advertising to the next level.

  • ESSEX: ESSEX, a leading real estate property advisor in Hyderabad, wanted to widen its client base. To make this a reality in real estate advertising, we created ads where 90% of the space was taken up by a beautiful view from Telangana’s capital. This was paired with calls to action to sell the click.
  • Provident: This company specialises in building affordable and quality housing, and it wanted to drive quality leads to one of their projects. So, using our platform features, we tailored the ads based on the user. We controlled the time the ad appeared and tested ad variations to see which performed the best.

Results and Outcomes

In both cases, we were able to achieve the challenges that the clients wanted to address through real estate advertising. Our ESSEX ads received a total of 295,857 clicks, with the effective cost per lead (eCPL) at $10.40. Meanwhile, our native ads with Providence performed better than any other marketing channels the company used. With our help, the company was able to get 52,500 clicks and a conversion rate of 0.35. The achieved eCPL remained at 458 INR.

Both cases show that to captivate through real estate advertising, you need consistency. A stunning photograph can create intrigue, but it will always be the text that seals the deal in the end.

Real Estate Marketing Strategies 2024 and Beyond: It’s All About Sticking to Foundational Principles

Market trends may come and go, but foundational principles are forever. It’s been more than fifteen years since MGID was founded, but the value of native ads remains more relevant than ever. What does this mean for real estate advertising? Always think about your target market:

  • Who are they?
  • What will get their attention?
  • Where are they hanging out?

These questions may seem general, but they’re highly applicable to the implementation of your real estate advertising, too. And for better engagement rates and cost-effectiveness, your best bet is native ads. Our team can provide you with a dedicated personal manager, a team of creatives and high-level tools to make your campaign a real estate advertising success.