
Sanket Savaliya

Senior Brand Account Manager

Sanket Is Digital Advertising expert & Tactician with over 10 years of experience in Campaign management & Driving performance for Top Brands, Sanket also writes multiple Blogs on various categories across the Digital Marketing & Advertising Domain.

Articles by Sanket Savaliya

12 min read
Automotive India
Native Advertising for the Automotive In...

The automotive industry is on the rise! With an expanding middle class and a growing number of...

11 min read
Native Advertising Strategies for Insurance in India
Native Advertising Strategies for Insura...

The insurance industry continues to grow at an accelerated rate! In 2019, the life insurance m...

14 min read
A Guide to Native Ads for Educational Institutions in India
A Guide to Powerful Native Ads for Educa...

Advertisements are no longer just for selling your products and services. In a world that’s be...

14 min read
Native Ads for Real Estate Success in In...

Whether assisting with the buying or selling of real estate, real estate advertising is crucia...

Native performance in minutes

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