What is video advertising on mobile? Isn’t it the same as video advertising on a desktop computer? If you have a brand or business that you want to promote using videos, you need to know that they’re entirely different beasts! While video advertising is supposed to accomplish the same results (generate growth), if you’ve only ever run video campaigns for desktop users, you’re missing out! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! Let’s start with the basics: what is video advertising on mobile? Once you truly understand this, you’ll be able to form a strategy suited to your mobile audience. So keep reading to discover the amazing world of mobile video advertising.

Video Advertising on Mobile

To put it simply, mobile video advertising is the use of the video advertising format for mobile devices. That’s it! Functionally speaking, it’s the same as any kind of video ad. But in the mobile format, video advertising goes beyond convenience. As you’ll see later, there are promotional possibilities here that are currently not applicable to users on desktops or laptops.

The Rise of Mobile Video Consumption: The Rationale for Mobile Video Advertising

Even five years ago, the majority of people in developing countries owned a mobile phone. Another salient observation is that it is the younger and/or more educated citizens who are using such devices. Therefore, if you want to reach these markets, you need to make use of mobile video advertising.

According to Statista, millennials watched up to 20 hours of videos per week in 2020. TikTok gained a substantial number of users from 2020 to 2021, which indicates the preference for shorter-form videos and video consumption on the go. But what is video advertising’s main difference between the two devices? Mobile users prefer short-form content. This is something to keep in mind as you make your own material!

What Are the Different Types of Mobile Video Ads?

The last thing that you want to do is to treat video ads on mobile like a monolith. Think about the different ways that you’ve experienced ads on your laptop and desktop. What video advertising is capable of on mobile is practically the same. Each of these channels will have its pros and cons, which will determine what format works best for you. Remember that video advertising is not going to fall under one typology. These categorizations may have some overlaps, so take this into account. In such a case, evaluate the pros and cons before making a decision.

In-Stream Video Ads

In-stream video ads become part of the viewing experience itself because they’re played in the same format as the video that the user is watching. So, what does video advertising in-stream look like? It depends because it can be played before, during or after the viewed content. Depending on the platform, it may or may not be skippable.

In this case, video advertising placement can vary. Social media sites like YouTube and Facebook already feature this type of mobile ad. But today, you can even see them on movie and TV streaming sites like Netflix!

In-Stream Video Advertising: An Examination of the Pros and Cons

Are you still not sure whether in-stream video ads will work for you? Refer to the summary table below.

Pros Cons
Highly visible: What is video advertising for if not to get better engagement? With high visibility, this will be easy. More expensive: Because of the assumed high engagement (especially when it’s unskippable), this format can be pricey.
Better targeting: Platforms popular for in-stream ads are known for their extensive targeting options. Can be disruptive: What video advertising is able to bring to the table can be diminished if the viewer just ends up getting annoyed by the content.
Built-in audience: Video advertising will ensure that your ads get watched!

Out-Stream Video Ads

Out-stream is the opposite of what we just discussed. This type of video advertising will happen outside of the context of existing content. This may be something that you’ll see when you read articles online or when you scroll down your social media feed. Depending on the video advertising placed, it may also play automatically once it’s on the screen. Bear in mind that some platforms may allow the viewer to either pause the video or adjust the settings so that it doesn’t automatically play.

Out-Stream Video Advertising: An Examination of the Pros and Cons

If you’re not yet sure if this type of mobile ad will be beneficial, refer to the pros and cons below.

Pros Cons
Multiple placement options: What video advertising is capable of reaching won’t be limited by the out-stream format’s lack of placement options. Less ad exposure: Since the viewer can easily scroll past the ad, it may not deliver as great an impact.
Less intrusive: Since the viewer isn’t consuming video content, they’re less likely to get annoyed by a mobile ad. Lower engagement rates: Video advertising is usually about higher engagement rates. However, that may be harder to achieve here.
Cheaper cost: Out-stream video advertising doesn’t cost as much.

Interstitial Video Ads

Interstitial video ads are kind of like the stitch inserted into a gaming or reading experience. When we look at what video advertising is, we can determine that this category is generally consistent across desktop and mobile. This is the only exception to the rule. What are interstitial video ads? These are full-screen video ads that are made to fit in what’s considered a transition point, such as between two paragraphs or game levels. When used in web texts, a normal display ad is what video advertising of this kind emulates. But as soon as you scroll, it will take up the entire screen. You need to give it another good scroll to continue what you were reading.

Interstitial Video Advertising: An Examination of the Pros and Cons

In the table below, we have summarized the good and the bad that come with interstitial mobile ads.

Pros Cons
Stands out: Video advertising is all about capturing the attention of users. Interstitial ads make that easy. Can feel like a nuisance: If overused, the user may abandon the site where the ad is posted.
Allows more time for engagement: With the non-skippable version, the user needs to view the video in full so they can move forward. Limited ways to advertise: When we examine what video advertisements are allowed on websites, we find that many of them do not accept this format.
Designed for the mobile experience: What video advertising is on mobile is largely the same as on desktop. Even if you’re looking for something that’s exclusively for mobile, this is still worth exploring.

Native Video Ads

Native ads are known for seamlessly blending with the existing content, making it less susceptible to ad blindness. This means that the number of impressions reported on your dashboard will be much closer to reality. As proven by this format, video advertising doesn’t always have to be like a TV commercial. Continuing the TV analogy, native video ads are like part of the show itself! The only difference is that engaging with this element can transport you somewhere else entirely.

Native Video Advertising: An Examination of the Pros and Cons

If you’re considering this type of advertising, be sure to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons.

Pros Cons
Weaves seamlessly into the platform: This way, it fulfills what video advertising is capable of (which is to capture attention) without breaking the browsing experience. Harder to create: It will take a greater level of expertise to execute it well because the goal is for the ad to become part of the browsing experience.
High engagement rates: Because the mobile video ad is related to what the user is already viewing, there’s a higher chance that they’ll engage with it. May be hard to customize: If you’re going to do it manually, changing what video advertising is going to look like across multiple platforms will be time-consuming
Seen as more trustworthy: Video advertising can be many things. If you choose native ads, it will never be spammy!

In-App Video Ads

In-app ads are those that run within a mobile application. Usually found in free games and utility apps, this kind of ad is often part of the overall experience. What video advertising is doing here is helping generate income for the app’s creators. Sometimes, creators also offer an ad-free version of their applications. However, many users may opt to view video advertising on the platform voluntarily to get rewards that they can use on the platform.

In-App Video Advertising: An Examination of the Pros and Cons

Check out the table below to get an overview of the good and the bad that comes with in-app advertising.

Pros Cons
Greater level of engagement: What video advertising is able to do and who it can reach is better since people largely use apps when on their phones. Smaller reach: The user must be using a specific app to see your ad.
Users may view them voluntarily: When there is an associated reward, the user may elect to view an ad. Can be intrusive: The viewer may see in-app ads with no reward as annoying.
Specific target audience: Apps already have a well-defined audience, so video advertising is able to convert more easily.

Benefits of Mobile Video Advertising

Video advertising comes with various advantages on mobile devices. By using this mode of advertising, you’ll be able to:

  • Improve returns on ad spend;
  • Reach a younger audience;
  • Follow your target market around the web;
  • Better segment who gets to see your content.

This is all thanks to what video advertising is known for, namely improved engagement. By reinforcing your mobile presence through ads, you can adapt to the shift in mobile use.

Best Practices for Creating Effective Mobile Video Ads

Your success in creating mobile ads generally relies on the same measures that can make a desktop ad a success. As we have discussed, video advertising on mobile is not functionally different from its desktop counterpart. That’s why you’ll notice that a lot of our advice here will apply no matter where you decide to advertise. Since these are best practices, they will be applicable in most cases. However, we always recommend referring to your existing data when determining how to proceed.

Crafting Engaging and Relevant Content

No matter what kind of content you’re creating online, it’s important to make it engaging and relevant. Thanks to its dynamic and moving elements, what video advertising is capable of in terms of engagement is so much more than other forms of content. To maximize the value of your content, try to implement these tips.

  • Hook users immediately: As they say in the world of journalism, don’t bury the lead!
  • Use storytelling: By nature, people love stories. Video advertising is more than just moving pictures. Craft a coherent story that they’ll want to follow.
  • Don’t forget captions: Many people watch videos with the sound off, and captioning lets you connect with them. You can even make them part of the video itself.

Optimizing for Mobile Screen Sizes

The impact that your video ad will have depends on the viewing experience of the user. Imagine using the desktop aspect ratio for your in-app video advertising. It’s probably not going to look good, and you will have wasted more than just space in the process. Therefore, you must take into account these three factors when determining what video advertising is going to look like:

  • Aspect ratios and resolution;
  • File sizes and loading times;
  • Platform-specific guidelines.

We’ll discuss these factors in more detail in the next subsection.

Ensuring Fast Loading and Playback

What is video advertising good for if it won’t even play? A few ways to prevent player issues include:

  • Pre-loading the videos: This way, the ad will play instantly when needed.
  • Make sure that the code is optimized: The work behind video advertising doesn’t end with a captivating video. The code is also important if you want to avoid delays in playing your ad.
  • Compress the file: This allows you to reduce the file size without affecting the quality so that the video will load even on slower connections.

By allowing more users to have a smooth experience with the video, you’ll discover what video advertising is able to bring to the table.

Including Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

They’ve seen what you have to say… now what? You need to tell viewers what to do next so that they can move to the next stage of the funnel. After all, video advertising is measured by its ability to hit KPIs, which can include things like clickthrough rates. So, what can you do to make the CTA as clear as possible? There are many ways that you can do this. It can involve literally telling them to do something and displaying prominent buttons or arrows. However, we don’t recommend putting the CTA at the end since not everyone will watch the entire video.

Mobile Video Ad Formats and Specifications

There are certain formats and standards that you must adhere to if you want to improve your chances of conversion. Standards of what video advertising is can change depending on a number of factors, such as the platform and device. With how competitive marketing is today, there’s a need to stand out! However, you want to make a positive impression. After all, getting noticed for all the wrong reasons won’t help your brand. Therefore, you must adhere to all the technical guidelines for mobile video ads.

Aspect Ratios and Resolutions

The aspect ratio refers to the dimensions of the video. So, what video advertising is going to look like may depend on the platform. Let’s say that you want to advertise on both Instagram and YouTube. You’ll have to create your ad to fit both site’s video player dimensions.

Resolution is also very important as it affects the visual clarity of your video. To get the most impact out of what video advertising is able to do for your marketing efforts, it’s a good idea to distribute your media in high resolution. However, ensuring that it’s also available in lower resolutions means it will play even for those with a weaker internet connection.

File Sizes and Loading Times

The file size determines how much bandwidth is needed to load a video advertisement on the platform. The smaller the file size, the better. With mobile, there’s an expectation for everything to be practically instant. However, your job is to balance speed and quality. After all, a video at 144p will probably load faster than one at 720p. But despite the smaller file size, it may look awful, and it probably won’t help you achieve your objectives. After all, what video advertising is meant to be is effective, and how can it be if it can’t even be viewed properly?

Platform-Specific Guidelines

The mobile video advertising platform that you choose will also affect how you create your ad. Refer to the table below to see some of the most common requirements across platforms.

Facebook and Instagram YouTube TikTok
Aspect Ratio 9:16 for stories; 1:1 or 4:5 for feed 16:9 for regular videos; 9:16 for shorts 9:16
Resolution At least 720p At least 720p 1080p
File Size Max of 4GB Max of 256GB Max of 500MB
Video Length Up to 60 seconds No limit for skippable; 6 to 15 seconds for skippable 9 to 60 seconds

Measuring and Analyzing Mobile Video Ad Performance

Like any kind of advertising, it’s important to measure your results. This is how you objectively monitor what video advertising can generate for a business. Below are the relevant KPIs:

  • Number of views;
  • View rate (Impressions / Total Views);
  • Average watch time (Total Watch Time / Total Views);
  • Completion rate (Completed Views / Total Views);
  • Conversion rate (Conversions / Clicks).

What video advertising is running on mobile is also important. Depending on the pricing model, you’ll need to know the cost per click, cost per view or cost per conversion.

Bring Your Strategy to the Forefront with Video Advertising on Mobile!

It’s impossible to understate what video advertising is going to do for your brand or business. It can be used to reinforce a message or to just keep the brand on top of mind. Apart from doing things right, it’s also necessary to select the most beneficial of all the mobile video ad networks available to you. If you decide to go the native advertising route, we’re always happy to make you a success story! Create an account on MGID to access tools, our creative team and a personal manager. What is video advertising with us? It’s your ticket to higher engagement rates and better returns on ad spend!