Our regular monthly rating highlights the top-performing niches that brought the most growth in clicks and conversions. Let’s find out what’s been working in the MGID space this October.
High-opportunity verticals and geos
This October’s snapshot of the best performing vertical+geo combinations is shown in the table below:

Healthy Living and Medical Health offers have been performing extremely well in the United States, Indonesia, Colombia, Mexico, and France. Healthy Living offers in particular have converted at a higher pace in Indonesia, with a 6% higher CTR and a 242% surge in total clicks. Campaigns under the Medical Health category had 38% and 58% more clicks in the U.S. and France. In LatAm, these offers had a fast rise in Colombia and Mexico, with 266% and 39% more clicks.
Personal Finance and Business and Investing campaigns achieved good results in the U.S. and Romania, with a 49% and 64% surge in total clicks. Shopping offers have converted at a higher pace in Italy and Spain; the total amount of clicks increased by 93% and 130%, respectively. Finally, Style and Fashion campaigns have increased in Serbia, with 122% more clicks.
Creative approaches that work well
To help you make the most out of native traffic in these niches, we also share some well-performing creative approaches spotted on MGID native advertising platform.

One of the best-selling tactics is to intrigue the viewer and evoke curiosity. Use imagery that will keep them wondering and make them want to change the angle and see what it really is. For example, in the ad creative above, the strange animal-ish patches on human legs are shown in the background of the hospital tiles. The visual inspires anxious curiosity and the ad copy only intensifies this feeling by mentioning toxins.

Another option is to go for dream-like, surreal photos. For example, in the creation above, the audience almost physically feels that dreamy state of floating when somebody is holding you in the water. Men with weights underwater also look more like a fantasy; the users’ guess might be that it’s the new kind of water aerobics.

Do not be afraid to bank on bright colors and contrasts. The green color evokes confidence; by placing the moisturizer on the green and leafy background you can communicate that the product is made with natural ingredients. The combination of gold and red is perceived as something luxurious and expensive, and what is the better way to advertise beauty care products?
If you want to be the first to know the top 10 up-and-coming niches on the MGID platform next month, subscribe to our blog updates right away!