Articles tagged with

Content Recommendations

13 min read
AI’s Impact on SEO and Content Marketing

Are you using AI tools for marketing content, generating ideas or improving your SEO strategy?...

15 min read
Mastering Content Syndication: Strategies for Amplifying You...

Are you a fan of recycling? The idea of maximizing usage doesn’t just apply to physical produc...

6 min read
How to Use Quizzes to Reach the Right Audience

When targeting a specific audience, the question often arises: am I limiting myself and sacrif...

8 min read
Key Article Formats That Make The Most Out Of A Prelander

Articles come in different flavors. When choosing the proper format for a prelander, we have s...

7 min read
Looking To Turbo-Charge Your Conversions? Use Prelanders

Have you ever wondered why cold food doesn't tempt you? It's simple: there's less to smell. We...

18 min read
Revamp Your Digital Presence: Expert Strategies for 2024

Have you established an online presence for your business? We hope so, because if not, then, a...

5 min read
Short- Vs. Long-Form Content: Is There A Winner?

As CEO of a global advertising platform that works closely with publishers, brands and markete...

Native performance in minutes

With MGID, you get access to 32,000+ publishers and 185+ billion monthly impressions.