In Indonesia, the education sector is undergoing a significant transformation. As the number of students seeking higher education rises, universities are in fierce competition to attract the best talent. This has led institutions to explore various methods to stand out and increase their student enrollment rates.

One of the most effective enrollment strategies emerging is native advertising. By seamlessly integrating promotional content with editorial copy, native ads capture the attention of prospective students without disrupting their online experience.

In this article, we will explore how native advertising can boost student enrollment for Indonesian universities. We'll look at specific MGID campaigns for two Indonesian institutions, showcasing the advertising creatives used and the results achieved.

The Indonesian Education Landscape

With more than 52 million students, three million teachers and 400 thousand schools, Indonesia has one of the largest education systems globally. The Indonesian government has steadily increased its education budget over the years, aiming to develop a world-class education system focused on using the latest technologies. Today, the main challenge for the Indonesian education system is not only about enhancing its quality but also improving access to higher education.

Financial Challenges and Government Support

Higher education remains a "luxury" for the majority of Indonesian youth, as tuition fees remain relatively high for many Indonesians. To tackle this issue, the government introduced the LPDP scholarship program in 2012. This program supports Indonesian students accepted into top national and globally ranked universities, aiming to enhance the population’s human-capital through education.

The LPDP scholarship covers full tuition and living expenses, ensuring students can focus on their studies. Since its inception, the program has increased access to higher education for students from diverse economic backgrounds and improved the quality of Indonesia's human resources. By providing opportunities to study at prestigious universities worldwide, the LPDP scholarship broadens students' academic and cultural horizons, enhancing Indonesia's global competitiveness.

Despite its success, the program faces challenges such as funding sustainability and equitable distribution of scholarships. Continuous evaluation and adaptation, along with expanded outreach and support mechanisms, are essential to address these issues. The LPDP scholarship program is a crucial step toward making higher education more accessible and affordable to all Indonesians, contributing to Indonesia's development.

Private Universities and Enrollment Issues

Many private Indonesian universities struggle with unfair competition when trying to attract new students compared to their state-funded counterparts, which dominate the landscape of leading universities in Indonesia.

This disparity can be attributed to several factors. State universities often receive more funding and support from the government, enabling them to offer lower tuition fees and more scholarships, making them more accessible to students from various economic backgrounds. Private universities, on the other hand, must rely heavily on tuition fees and private funding, often resulting in higher costs for students.

Additionally, state universities tend to have a long-standing reputation and more established networks, making them a more attractive option for students and their families. This reputation often translates into better job prospects for graduates, further skewing the preference towards state institutions.

Efforts to bridge this gap include increasing financial aid and scholarship opportunities at private universities, improving the quality of education and enhancing the visibility of private institutions through targeted marketing and outreach programs. These initiatives aim to create a more level playing field and make higher education more accessible and appealing to all Indonesian youth.

University Selection: What Matters Most to Students

In Indonesia, selecting a university is a significant decision for many students as they navigate the transition from high school to higher education. This marks one of the first major adult decisions they will face. Their choice is highly personal and varies for each student, but there are several key factors that typically influence students.

Location of the School

The location of the university plays a crucial role. Students often consider proximity to home, the cost of living in the area and whether they prefer an urban or rural setting. For many, being close to family or familiar surroundings can make the transition to college life smoother.

Available Majors and Programs of Study

Students look for universities that offer programs aligned with their career goals and academic interests. Whether it's engineering, business or the arts, having access to the right majors and specialized programs is essential for their educational and professional development.


The university’s reputation is a significant factor. Students often research rankings, reviews and the institution’s track record for job placement and academic excellence. A strong reputation can enhance career prospects and provide a sense of pride.

School Size

The size of the university can impact a student’s experience. Larger institutions may offer a wider range of resources and activities, while smaller colleges might provide a more close-knit community and personalized attention.

Total Cost of Attendance

Considering cost versus quality and long-term value is crucial. Students and their families often evaluate tuition fees, additional expenses and the availability of financial aid or scholarships.

Housing Options

On-campus and off-campus housing options are important. Students consider the affordability, quality and convenience of housing as well as the availability of residence halls or apartments close to the university.

Campus Life

Campus life includes extracurricular activities, student organizations and social events. A vibrant campus life can enhance the overall college experience and help students build a well-rounded resume.

Available Resources

Students also assess the resources available, such as libraries, research facilities, career services and academic support. Access to these resources can greatly impact their academic success and personal growth.

How Educational Institutions Attract Students

While students weigh their options for choosing a university, universities are busy crafting strategies to attract them. With so many choices and rising costs, schools need to stand out to catch the eye of prospective students. To do this, universities must be proactive and creative. Here’s how they can make themselves more appealing and attract new students effectively.

Create a Strong Online Presence

Today, a strong online presence is a must. Keep your website up-to-date, easy to navigate and full of information about programs, faculty and campus life. Use social media to highlight what makes your school unique. Show off your facilities, share success stories and build a positive image. This approach attracts potential students and boosts your school's reputation.

Offer a Unique Curriculum

Students and parents are looking for schools with distinctive and well-rounded programs. Highlight any special courses, unique programs or extracurricular activities your school offers. Make sure this information stands out in your marketing materials to attract those looking for something different.

Collaborate With Local Organizations

Partnering with local organizations can raise your school's profile. Work with community colleges or technical schools to provide dual enrollment opportunities or joint programs. These partnerships can create more pathways for students and show your school’s commitment to community involvement.

Host Events and Open Houses

Hosting open houses and events gives prospective students and their families a first-hand look at what your school offers. Use these events to showcase your programs, facilities and campus culture. Direct engagement helps create a strong impression and aids in their decision-making process.

Focus on the Student Experience

A positive student experience can draw new students. Create a supportive, safe and inclusive environment. Happy students are likely to spread the word about their positive experiences, which can attract more students to your school.

Utilize Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Word-of-mouth is a powerful marketing tool. Encourage current students, families and alumni to share their positive experiences. This personal touch can effectively build your school's reputation and bring in new students.

Invest in Targeted Advertising

Invest in targeted advertising to reach potential students. Use tools like social media ads, Google Ads and native advertising to specifically target your audience. Tailor your ads to highlight your school’s strengths and unique offerings, drawing in prospective students.

How MGID Boosted Engagement for Indonesian Universities

We’ve explored the theories behind attracting students to universities, now let’s dive into the practice. Here’s how MGID's native advertising platform helped two Indonesian universities enhance their engagement and drive enrollment.

Universitas Gunadarma

Universitas Gunadarma, a prominent private university in Indonesia, is well-regarded for its focus on technology and business programs. The university is accredited with an A rating and was ranked 17th by Webometrics Indonesia in 2022. It also offers online registration for its flagship programs.

To boost its visibility and attract new students, Universitas Gunadarma launched two significant campaigns using MGID's native advertising platform.

  • June 20 - July 27, 2023 campaign: The first campaign’s aims revolved around branding and new student registration. It garnered a significant number of impressions — 9,346,100 million in total, significantly exceeding the KPI target of 5 million — and 12,445 clicks. Although the click-through rate (CTR) was 0.03%, the high number of impressions played a key role in establishing the university's presence among potential students.

  • August 29 - October 10, 2023 campaign: The second campaign focused on furthering branding efforts and student registration. It surpassed expectations with 40,835,178 impressions and 38,788 clicks, maintaining a CTR of 0.03%. This campaign met the university’s challenge to engage with a larger audience and reinforce its market presence.

Universitas President

Universitas President, known for its strong emphasis on engineering and business programs, launched three distinct campaigns through MGID to boost student enrollment and awareness.

  • December 2023 campaign: The first campaign aimed at increasing awareness of the Postgraduate Faculty of Law, in addition to highlighting online classes, scholarships and bilingual programs. It generated over 25 million impressions and 38,952 clicks, with a CTR of 0.15%. This effort effectively communicated the unique advantages of their postgraduate law programs.

  • February 2024 campaign: The second campaign focused on raising awareness about the Faculty of Engineering. The goal here was to drive new student registrations. It achieved over 72 million impressions and 56,601 clicks, resulting in a CTR of 0.08%. Direct traffic led to an impressive CTR of 0.296%, underscoring the effectiveness of targeted outreach.

  • March 2024 campaign: This third campaign continued the focus on the Faculty of Engineering but with an added emphasis on the benefits of the program, including scholarships and internships. With nearly 15 million impressions and 102,840 clicks, it saw a CTR of 0.04%. The direct traffic still maintained a high CTR of 0.296%, showcasing a successful engagement strategy.

Name Campaign duration Impressions Clicks total CTR
Universitas Gunadarma June 20 - July 27, 2023 9,346,100 12,445 0.03%
August 29 - October 10, 2023 40,835,178 38,788 0.03%
Universitas President December 2023 25,541,172 38,952 0.15%
February 2024 72,837,611 56,601 0.08%
March 2024 14,940,878 102,840 0.04%

Recommended Campaign Duration

For a successful native ads campaign, it’s essential to allow sufficient time for data collection and optimization. We recommend running a campaign for at least 20 days. This duration gives your campaign enough time to gather meaningful insights, fine-tune targeting and maximize performance. Native ads rely on data-driven adjustments, and a shorter timeframe can limit your ability to make impactful optimizations that lead to better results. In essence, patience and consistency are key to reaping the full benefits of native advertising.


Navigating the digital space to raise awareness for universities isn't a walk in the park. With countless institutions vying for attention, cutting through the noise requires more than just traditional advertising methods. That’s where native advertising comes into play, and MGID is here to make it happen.

MGID’s native advertising platform isn’t just about placing ads: it's about transforming your visibility and engagement strategies. Our cutting-edge AI solutions are game-changers. From generating eye-catching creatives with our text-to-image or image-to-image features to predicting ad creative performance, we’ve got you covered. Plus, if you want a hassle-free experience, our creative team can handle everything from A to Z, crafting a tailored advertising campaign that hits the mark.

Ready to elevate your digital presence? Register with MGID today and let’s create some magic together. Your next successful campaign is just a click away!