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A Year in Review: 2020

"Difficulties mastered are opportunities won."

— Winston Churchill —

Pandemic challenges

The global pandemic has been one of the biggest shakeups of a lifetime to our industries, markets and daily lives. During these turbulent times, our top priorities have been to keep communities informed about COVID-19, to engage with our clients and to stay connected with our team members.

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    Connecting users to credible sources of information

    MGID has been supporting public health agencies to keep communities safe and informed. To help the health organizations handle COVID-19 awareness measures, we provided the MGID’s native advertising platform capacities free of charge.

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    Livestream events and digital conferences

    To help our clients and partners find ways to navigate “the new normal,” we launched MGID Talks Live, a series of global streams with recognized experts and industry leaders. We also have been involved in a wide range of industry conferences, including DMEXCO, which was held in an all-digital format this year.

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    Adjusting to WFH mode

    Nothing is more important than the safety and wellbeing of our team members. In 2020, we successfully adjusted to a work from home set-up and provided our team with the technical tools to navigate this new workflow.

A year in native

2020 was the year for change in the digital media landscape. Let’s take a look at the major shifts and defining moments that occurred in the advertising market.

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    Mozilla’s Enhanced Tracking Protection

    For their latest release of the Firefox browser, Mozilla defaulted their Enhanced Tracking Protection. This step effectively means traffic from Firefox can not be monetized unless publishers can force their audiences to individually allow certain trackers. Thus, Mozilla and other tech companies that were led by this example push publishers to take action on data transparency and find a workable alternative to cookie tracking.

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    Apple's privacy changes

    In June 2020, Apple announced that with the release of iOS 14, for each app that a user installs, they will need to specifically opt-in to make their IDFA available to any party, for any purpose. With this change, users must give explicit permission for app publishers to track them across different apps and websites or to share information with third parties. In the fall, Apple hit pause on new privacy measures until the beginning of 2021.

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    California Consumer Privacy Act and Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act

    CCPA came into effect on January 1, 2020, while its enforcement started on July 1. On the other hand, enforcement of Thailand's PDPA was scheduled for May 2020 but was delayed to May 31, 2021. The privacy laws undoubtedly affect DMPs that provide audience segments to advertisers. Publishers also have to adapt by complying with the new regulations and make strategic choices on further use of their first-party data.

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    TCF v2.0 and the falling value of third-party data

    On August 15, IAB's TCF v2.0 took full effect across all stakeholders in the advertising supply chain. Essentially, this framework was created to help businesses gather user’s consent, exchange data transparently and ensure compliance with key regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, ePrivacy Directive. MGID has fully renewed its tech stack and implemented all TCF v2.0 requirements.

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    Declining budgets and anticipated bounce back next year

    2020 has been one of the most trying, unpredictable years for advertising and media industries. Normally, we would talk about the annual growth of advertising, but this year, the average drop in ad spends amounted to 4.2%-4.4%. Half of publishers and media companies surveyed by Digiday had to reduce their headcounts in 2020. After the strong decline, 55% of publishers and 45% of agency respondents anticipate a double-digit revenue growth next year.


MGID milestones

In 2020, MGID has grown to over 700 employees, 11 offices around the world and 200 countries and territories served.

Here’s just a glimpse of what we have done in the past 12 months.

  • 4,229,120,945,889

    content recommendations

  • 1,467,731,538,158

    viewable impressions

  • 4,350,020,212


  • 173,235

    new campaigns created

  • 30,180

    publisher websites added in 2020

  • 1,011,993

    ad units created

  • 120

    advertising categories

  • 17

    MGID babies were born

Together apart

Even though Covid-19 upended our work lives, we continue to stay connected remotely, awaiting our reunion.

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Moving forward together

At MGID, we are focused on strengthening our ability to innovate and provide value-added services by recruiting new talents, as well as training and mentoring our employees.

Now, we are looking for both experienced veterans and fresh talents in ad tech to join MGID’s international expansion in 2021 and beyond. If you are adventurous, ambitious and curious, you’ll find just the right cultural fit working with us. We never settle for anything in our quest to improve ourselves and the business we run.

Interested to join MGID?

Check out our open vacancies.


Our new partners

From the entire team at MGID, we want to thank all our clients, partners and facilitators for the progress achieved this year. 2020 has brought us new partnerships, and we are excited for the new opportunities.


Native performance in minutes

With MGID, you get access to 32,000+ publishers and 185+ billion monthly impressions.