MGID in numbers:
Unique visitors monthly
Content websites
Average higher CTR than display
Content recommendations monthly
Native ad formats
MGID Smart widget
Gain high engagement rates by pinpointing the most appropriate moment to engage and deliver optimized messages to each user
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Native widgets
Customizable, responsive and flexible native ad units that will help to tell your brand's story
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Native video
Storytell with highly engaging videos placed across MGID’s premium publisher network
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The perfect tool to scale up your campaigns after reaching a positive profit margin. This feature allows you to maximize your reach to the audience you are targeting, prompting you with the proper CPC bid to receive your desired amount of available impressionsTRAFFIC INSIGHTS
Open new verticals and geos by seeing what’s available in the system. Be the first to know where you can launch new campaigns at a higher scale and lower prices. This feature prompts you about new opportunities in the system.SELECTIVE BIDDING
Dynamically change CPCs for certain highly-converting traffic sources. Now as detailed as Sub-IDs.RULES-BASED OPTIMIZATION
Our optimization rules not only extend to all possible conditions but also analyze the campaign performance with each statistics update, rather than checking once in a certain period of time.Join the community

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